Wednesday, March 18, 2009


On Wednesday, July 16, 2008, a 911 call was placed by Lucy Johnson's neighbors, reporting a fire at 4844 Hidden Meadow Court, in Gastonia, North Carolina.Firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze and police and firefighters found Lucy Johnson's burned body in her bedroom. Johnson had been shot twice in the back of the head, her home and body burned. Johnson's body was found partially clothed. Johnson had been raped and her engagement ring missing. Lucy Johnson was the mother of a 7 year old daughter and a 6-month old son. Johnson also was 4-month pregnant with Michael Mead's child Michael Mead, Lucy Johnson's fiance, was arrested on Friday, January 9, 2009, for the July 16, 2008, murder of Lucy Johnson. On Monday, January 12, 2009, Mead appeared in District Court, before Judge Michael Lands, for a bond hearing and was denied bond. On Friday, January 16, 2009, Mead appeared a second time before Judge Michael Lands and was again denied bond. On Monday, January 19, 2009, the Grand Jury indicted Mead on first degree murder, first degree rape, first degree arson, and first degree burglary. On Monday, February 23, 2009, Mead had another bond hearing in Superior Court. Judge Richard Boner granted Mead bond. The bond was set at six hundred fifty-thousand dollars, even though District Attorney Bill Stetzer told Judge Boner that he believed Mead to be a flight risk due to him seeking employment in Mexico. Stetzer stated that Mead had an established pattern of abusive behavior toward women. Stetzer told that Johnson had been raped and the amount of semen found in Johnson was that of a fresh rape. The semen matched Mead's DNA. Michael Mead was able to pay the bond and can now travel to any county surrounding Gaston County. If the Grand Jury found enough evidence for an indictment on a capital murder charge, Why is this man free to roam the streets? Part of the problem is North Carolina doesn't have a law where an unborn child can be considered a victim. If Mead was charged with 2 counts of murder, as he certainty should have been, he probably would still be incarcerated throughout his trial. This is an example why "The Justice For All Coalition," will continue to lobby for passage of "The Unborn Victims Of Violence Bill," simply described as when an offender knowingly murders a pregnant victim, they will be charged with two counts of murder versus one as is now North Carolina law. We intend to send a clear message that if someone is in a troubled relationship with their pregnant partner and chooses murder over paying child support, they will face an additional charge of murder. visit our web-sight: www.thejusticeforallcoalition.comJeff GerberMonroe,NC704-564-0065

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